
Monday, September 23, 2013

Week-End 21.9

 On Saturday we were attending a wedding of Akram and Kathiza, my husband's colleagues. Welcoming another lawyer couple


Always drama queen but seriously on that day she was totally cranky and not in the good mood for the all day long. I think it's beacuse she's teething. Not even single people can take her. She will screaming and hold tightly to both papa and mommy.Sighh

 She's sleep all the way back home. Pity my baby ;)

On Sunday, we went to nowhere in the morning since I got migraine attack after a long time didn't have one. Luckily it's weekend if not I will suffering without food and pity Sophie for the kurang kasih sayang, mommy terjelepuk tak bangun-bangun. Ngee

In the evening, feeling a lil bit okey I asked my husband to bring me out. I just need a "mall fresh air" Bahahaha

and it's tempura again and tofu for Sophie. My migraine only vanished at night after a hot bath and painkiller.

Just look at my pale face. The migraine still there, trying to play and smile for Sophie

My always good girl.

and my always good husband.

Love both of you.