
Monday, March 17, 2014

Weekend 15.3-16.3

On Saturday morning we had a breakfast at home. My hubby tapau-ing from resturant near to our house. Nasi lemak! Our plan asal nak breakfast croissant kat luar cancel due to my headache since last night. Later on dalam pukul 11 am baru okay so we went to KL Festival City to catch some sweet thingy (donut and Famos Amos chocolate chip) and lunch terus. Yet reach there, Sophie sedang elok masa tidurnya terus terlelap. Fuhh, this time we manage to eat dengan tenang 


 Lunchnya kat Nandos. Honestly dah lama sangat tak makan sini. For the obvious reason, they only have chicken! spageti pon nan hado and very limited choice but my tekak rase macam nak makan nandos je since dah lama tak makan situ kan. Sementara menunggu order sampai, I went to Cotton On and they got sale. One thing I always love with Cotton On is they have a great layer tak kiralah blazer, cardigan or jacket. I have a few and mostly I bought during sale, for RM30 each. Mana nak dapat tempat lain. This time I bought one flowery cardigan and one pants, of cos in a bigger size to give a room for my getting bigger tummy) bahahaha

Sedang elok kami habis makan, Sophie woke up with a not-so-good-mood. She's not crying but refuse to remain seat in her stroller. Nak berdukung dengan papa je. Pujuk naik kuda pusing pon tak mo. Alih-alih masuk Parkson and bought lego doplo set for her. Senyumla sikit dia and Papa pon bought some shirt for him. Mommy tak beli apa-apa dah. Damages at Cotton On dah cukup

On Sunday we didn't go to anywhere as Papa want to settle his work but he didn't go to the office, buat keje kat rumah je. Me? I did some project involved Sophie's room. I moved the ikea rack in the kitchen and transformed it to Sophie's rack (mostly for her shoes). Sophie yet have her own bed, maybe tunggu dia umur 3 tahun nanti we can consider to put her on her own bed

So far as at todate my pregnancy hits week-13. My next antenatal check up would be on April.  No check-up on March as my obgyn went to holiday, tak tanya plak doktor nak gi mana? obersi? haha nanti dia kata aku kepoh plak

* We're still praying for MH370. Where's on earth MH370? day 9*

Till then!

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