
Friday, April 26, 2013

New Hijab Style?

Seriously sometimes I think my hijab style is kinda boring. Apparently I had try a few styles but end-up with my other half's giggle "macam makcikla" "macam org tu mcm org ni lah" "eeeee..malu saya nak jalan ngan awak pakai macam ni" very sarcastic one kan..Hihi

But he turns to OK when I show him home saja! bila sampai restoran he didn't stop laughed..pulak."you looks like tutankhamum la" uwaaa. Haihhh I know this style of hijab only suitable if you have no kids, like me Sophie aka Intan Payung loves to tarik-tarik mommy's tudung..Sekali-sekala bolehla pakai macam ni..Just kena kemaskan sikit lagi. Ini pakai tergesa-gesa ;)

By the way, I got this shawl from one blogger, Syzwani for RM45/piece and I bought two. The other color in pink. You guys can check here if interested  

In the end, tudung syria/Ariani is still tje best. Actually I have no idea what is the real name of this kind of tudung so I just call that tudung syria/ Ariani..Betulla la tu kot ekk

Last weekend I went back to my hometown, Kuala Krai-Machang..Strolling down in pasar pagi (twice, on Saturday and Monday) mostly ladies there pakai tudung 2-3 layers. Meriah mak! Very colorful. Lepas tu tengok semua kedai tudung pon jual tudung ala-ala gitu. And you know..It's not cheap deh..I try tanya it's RM68 hokehh..Hoho quite pricey tuh. I have 2 layer tudung tapi murah je, RM30 je kut satu, since dah lama beli so tak berapa ingat the exact price. But honestly this type of tudung is not my style. If possible memang nak elak wearing tudung/hijab ikut trend. Nanti jalan mana-mana semua pon pakai tudung sama kan. Trust me, sikit masa lagi trend baru pulak akan muncul. 


Till then


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