
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

3 Series Papa!

Alhamdulillah today is my husband's 30th birthday! BUT today is like another day for him..Combat massive traffic to and fro office and work work work..I've cooked something special for today, his feveret nasi briyani and chicken curry. No cake as he's not a cake person..Jimat...hehe

What I/we got for him? biarlah rahsia..kuikui

But I've this la for him (to share with)


To my dear hubby,

Some days it's the little things 

that mean the most to me 

like talking, laughing and all the 

everyday things that are more fun

just becos we do them 


Sometimes it's the BIG things that make life more BEAUTIFUL

like our frenship,

and the ROMANCE we share

that keep us so close...

In the BIG things 

and the LITTLE things,

and everything in between-

I LOVE YOU so much 

and always will till jannah...

happy birthday  

yours ever

This is us, 8-9 years back during our 3rd year in Law School UKM

Can spot us? 

We were both wore white shirt..ngeeee. and ohh I got flower on my neck once..hahaha..come on peeps that's IN on that time hokehh. Hahaha

and this is the latest one 

and last but not least..Happy born-day to my bro in law Hilmi too!

Till then!

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