
Monday, March 24, 2014

Kita Serupa

As soon as Sophie pop out from my tummy, everyone comments 'ohh she looks like papa' until now. Urmm but I think she looks like me more la. Tak caya? tengok ni. In fact some of my cousins yang biasa tengok saya mase kecik pon kata Sophie macam Ayu just mata maknya lagi besar

Ok Sophie, this is mommy's photo with Mami Aza, Ayah Die and Cik Su when I was barely at 2. Kita serupa kan. Just look at the eyes, curly hair and cheeky smile. You are sooo me! 

Mommy is only 1 year gap with your Cik Su and you with your bro/sis would be 2 years gap. Disebabkan beza umur setahun je, ramai orang ingat mommy and Cik Su twin. Hehe

Okla, Sophie is fairer than me. Tahu



  1. biasa lah tu... aku pun mcm tu jugak family belah hubby sibuk duk cakap anak2 aku mcm mak sedara dia lah,mcm ayah dia lah...sikit pun tak de rupa aku walaupun duk dlm perut mummy,minum susu mummy,keluar kot tuut mummy...hahahaha sabo je lah!

  2. itulah tak consider langsung sakit org beranak nih..hihi
