
Monday, February 18, 2013

She's Happily Eating

Remember my last post narrating how fussy-Sophie refuse to eat? Well, after consulting my big sister, my cousin and my aunt, I were advised to feed Sophie with cereal. 

So, last weekend my hubby and I went to Cold Storage looking for the cereal. We were read almost all the items in the shelf as we have no idea what to buy.Muahaha. Finally we came back home with this

Alhamdulillah, now she's happily eating especially the one in the jar (Heinz). 

She just don't like mommy's cook
pandai ye!

After a week, we gave her juice and she's really like it..but I've read in magazine for not give to your young baby more than 4 auns in a day if not they will encounter with diorrhea

But the downside of a ready-to-eat food is must to be consumed within 48 hours. So, I put this memo on my fridge to remind me the expiry date.

 By the way, there's no photo for feeding session as she's cannot duduk diam at all ;)

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