
Thursday, March 20, 2014

Mommy's cook & Olaf

Salam all,

For this week, I want to try fully cook at home until Friday. Agak2 boleh tak tahan lagi sehari? Exception for weekend must eat outside. Mommy want olio ;) Olio kat Manhattan Fish Market sooo tempting

Tak semua yang dimasak sempat snap pictures. Kekadang malas, kekadang lupe gitulah orang dah tak berapa muda nih. Hari Isnin masak masakan melayu. Daging goreng, sup daging dan kailan goreng belacan (no photos)

Hari Selasa masak western using daging again since my Mr. Grocer (a.k.a hubby) bought too much beef so kena habiskan stok sebelum expiry date. Masaklah steak together with baked beans and potato. For the potato I prefer steam dulu baru goreng. The taste sangatla sedap

Basic marinate: Salt, pepper, olive oil and steak spice lepas tu baru taruk BBQ sauce just before grill

 This is medium cook steak tapi tak boleh makan selalu since I'm preggy

I used this Heinz BBQ sauce for marinade

Tapi takyah letak banyakla nanti tak sedap and I'm not prefer to use this as a dip sauce. The taste is more suit for marinade saja at least for my taste bud la. The home made sauce way better. Me myself pon baru nak belajar buat, dah jumpe resepi. Maybe next week can try!

On Wednesday, I teringin nak makan ayam. So buatla grilled chicken ni. Bahan marinate for this as same as I marinated the beef just tambah paprika je. Last time buat my sister Azi kata macam goreng pisang. Bahahaha ada ke patut. Kesian tau!

Malam as requested by hubby, I cooked nasi beriani daging dengan kari ayam simple. Simple sebab takde potato. Just chicken. Potato pon dah habis

Hari Khamis barang dapur slowly dah habis. Daging batang pinang ada lagi tapi mak dah penatla makan daging

Telur masak kicap is just perfecto makan dengan nasi panas berulam bendi and terung. Chicken curry from last nite dinner pon still ada lagi.

Kat luar pulak hujan. Alhamdulillah diatas nikmat berganda dari Allah SWT

In the afternoon habis masak duduk lepak depan TV watching Frozen with Sophie sambil lipat kain. Mom's work around the clock kan. The word ' sambil' mesti ada everytime describe tengah buat apa

Btw, suka sangat Sophie dengan Olaf (the snow man) until she gigle everytime Olaf come out

Olaf is so adorable kan. and cheeky!

For Friday, there's a possibility I'll call for pizza delivery. Bahahhaaha


Hope you guys have a nice day at work place or at home for housewives like me. Esok Jumaat suka la kan

* Where's on earth MH370? Day-13 *



  1. ayam try perap dengan rosemary herbs lagi kick!

  2. thanks sarah. nt nak cari..dlm botol kan?

    1. dlm botol pun ada...but aku selalu pakai yg fresh kena chop sendiri, kat tesco pun ada,
