
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Weekend 9.11, Make Over Monday & Gap Sales

Salam and Hi all!

Weekend ends fast and today is Wednesday already and now I'm counting for week-end again! haha kalah orang keje masuk ofis kul 8 balik kul 5 ;) 

My mom and my sister went balik kampung last Saturday by bus. Tinggal lah Sophie and I berdua saja. Terus rasa sunyi sepi rumah. For Sunday still OK lagi as Papa home but masuk aje Monday, mak aiii sunyi betul and Sophie pon cranky and clingy tak habis since when nenek and ciksu around ramai yang melayan. Mommy went for toilet calling pun nangis2 sampai kuar air mata. Till today pon yet OK, mmmm esok2 nanti ok la tu

So, on Saturday after send both mom and sis naik bus, we went to mall near to our house tapi kejap je, tak sampai sejam. Why? Sophie kencing sampai bocor langsung kena baju papa. Terpaksa la balik rumah, lunch pon tak sempat. SO, for the rest of the day we just stay at home ate whatever we have in the kitchen and later on evening barulah keluar balik to get some groceries and of course to catch dinner. Balik rumah ada The Hobbit la pulak on channel 413. Sedang elok Sophie tidur at 9.45, layan the Hobbit but tengok separuh je. Mommy's eyes nowadays cannot tahan anymore. So, Papa watched it alone until 1 am.

On Sunday, we attend my husband's twin brother's in law's wedding at Ampang. Aiyoo Ampang traffic is so congested even on Sunday. I wonder how residents there face it almost everyday. Maybe they get used to it dah kan

That's all for my last weekend's story. Not much photos as am not in a kind of blogger-mood sangat lately. Big M! Malas

and guess what I did on Monday? Make over dapur and rumah! Eventough Sophie asyik merengek tapi sempat jugakla make over sikit2. Lagipon tak masak, makan left over food from last night dinner aje. So, these are the result. My buat air counter and drawer chest kat meja makan. Dalam pada tu selongkar jugak laci2 dapur and buang semua benda yang dah expired dan dah tak pakai 

Ohh ya, GAP online got sales up to 35% and they offered Gap Cash for every 50 USD spend. I got everything for Sophie only. As for me, the choice is very limited. Macam tak menarik, macam tak cun jer baju2 for women kat GAP but for baby and kids aummmmm me rambang mata and I'm gonna use my 50 dollar gapcash next month and for Sophie jugakla and I'm gonna buy pink stuff. Hehe.  

 If you can notice I tend to dress up my lil girl with black, white and blue just like me!


Blue and stripes! Exactly copy cat mommy

Boot, tight and scallop flats


Till then!