
Saturday, February 02, 2013

What Your Bag-Holding Style Says About You

It may be subconscious, but what if we told you that the way you hold your bag can tell us a little something about you? Unless you're the type to carry your wallet in your pocket and your keys off your belt loops, your bag probably contains some of your most important items (including, for some of us, the bag itself — have you seen the sticker price on a CĂ©line tote lately?). And how you choose to house your possessions, tote it around, and keep it on you reveals a little about your own personality.

So, we tapped body-language expert Patti Wood to shed a little insight onto what it all means. Now, take a look down. What are you telling the world?

Like what you read? Check out Wood's book, Snap: Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language, and Charisma, on Amazon.


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