
Friday, November 23, 2012

Current buying

Being a first time mother is tiring..No sleep, no shower, no proper meal and nooo shoping..haha..Tapi terima kasih byk2 kepada kepesatan online shopping nowdays..everythings in your fingers..but yeahh it must come with money too..kalo tak kena cara boleh kopak..semua mauuuu..

As a reward for myself for being a good mother and a good wife (***cough) i bought myself a few things lah

1. Zawara Alba Black Pants
Panjang..sangat panjang..aku rase Erra Fazira takpon Nasha Aziz je leh pakai this pants without terpaksa hantar untuk potong kaki for 5 inches.

2. Zalora Dolce Soles
Psttt..5 i dont know why i bought this groceries while bag Sophie ;) perhaps

3. The poplook tops

cantik kannnn

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