Day 1
Last Friday my cousin's family went to Cameron Highland for a short weekend getaway. I didn't plan to tag along but in a last minute I change my mind, rase macam nak ikut la pulak so I booked the hotel for my small family. We went there on Saturday, not on Friday since my husband got class on Friday night. My big family stayed in Rumah Persekutuan. Since we were in a big number including my family from Kelantan, I decided to stay outside i.e at Century Pines Resort, but for a night sleep only, lepak dan makan ramai-ramai dekat banglo la lagi seronok
Tak lepas papa dia
After lunch BBQ, we check-in to the hotel, not far from the Rumah Persekutuan
Our Deluxe room

The first thing kena buat is plug off the phone and hide it from Sophie nanti takut dia sembang dengan receptionist
View from our balcony
Sophie and her lego. Everywhere! Anywhere!
Watching Kuch-Kuch Hota Hai. Ohh Anjali and Rahul
Sophie took a nap sampai pukul 7.30pm! Lama dia tido. Mak pak dah
gelisah sebab janji dengan famili kat banglo nak makan malam sana dan
nak pegi pasar malam. We purposely make a noise for her to wake up. Tapi
gagal. Bahahaha. She must be tired after a long journey from KL
We had a dinner with my family. On the table we got tomyam, sardin, ayam goreng and sotong bakar. Sejuk-sejuk macam ni memang lapar. After that around 9.30pm we went to pasar malam. I only bought one T-shirt for Sophie and me and one strawberry pajama for Sophie. Lepas tu sementara tunggu my cousins berborong sakan we all 3 beranak makan karipap panas and strawberry dipped chocolate in a car. Bahaha. Pity my hubby tak larat nak carry dan layan Sophie yang mengamuk nak turun berjalan sendiri. Mak buyung lesen besar, tengok je. Muahaha
Back to the bungalow, minum kopi and lepak- lepak, borak-borak around 12 at midnight we went back to the hotel. Well, what a productive day but me seronok
Day 2
On Sunday morning I woke up early and went for breakfast as early as at 7.30am. Leaving these two in a deep sleep
Mirrored selfie skit
After breakfast, I went for jalan-jalan and took some fresh air and took some surrounding's pictures
I always love white fence. Berangan nak rumah berpagar putih one day. Feeling English countrykan. Insyallah
Beautiful sunrise
The lobby
Balik bilik dua beranak dah bangun. We bathed Sophie before my hubby went for breakfast. Kita orang memang kena take turn for breakfast, tok leh makan berjemaah as Sophie hyper active. Nanti sudahnya mak pak boleh bertukar jadi incridible hulk memasing. Bahahaha

We check out around 10am and went to the banglo and feed Sophie some breakfast. Since my other family members belum bersiap, we decided to out for jalan-jalan first
We headed to the pasar at Tanah Rata. Tak membeli banyak just vegetables, fruits and fresh flowers. I want to buy more tapi seriously tak cukup tangan, berat.. Since my hubby carrying Sophie so he's only available for one hand. I bought another strawberry pajama for Sophie. Murahla RM18 only
We done around 11.30am, called my cousin the tuan rumah and they said diaorang pon tengah siap-siap nak checkout so rase tak payahla kitorang back to the banglo. We decided untuk balik terus je. Dekat banglo sana ada lagi 3 kereta. So kita balik memasing ajela
Our next destination were Cameron Valley Tea and Bharat Tea Plantation. At Cameron Valley I bought one tea pot in orange color and some plates. Once we reached Bharat Tea, hujan turun agak lebat terpaksala beli payung strawberry. Sophie's first umbrella! RM14. We had a teh tarik, donut, scones and butter cake. Sedap sungguh minum teh panas-panas in a rainy day

At Cameron Valley, my hubby try to snap pictures of me depan signboard besar nih but this lady didn't get it. She's not moving even an inch. Bahahaha so the end result dapat gambar macam ini ajale. Mak redha

Marilah kita pulang
Breath taking view
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